Humans of Sheridan WY

Humans of SheridanWy is just what it sounds like: portraits of humans who live here and humans who visit here. No names. Just interesting quotes from the individuals featured. Or no words at all.


Civil Discourse

~CONTENT POWERED BY CAPACITY TO CARE~ “I love to sit down and talk with people, to really have a discussion and listen to what others have to say. And I can accept someone’s differing opinion without agreeing with it because I think it’s okay that we have gray area: not everything has to be either black or…


Sheridan Songs: Vol. 2

~CONTENT POWERED BY HOLLY SEED~ Question: Which ONE SONG would you want for your sports entrance music? You know, the tune you’d want echoing through the ballpark as you walked up to the plate for your high-pressure whiffle ball at-bat or blaring from the arena speakers as you walked out to the ring for your…


Spartans Stand Together

“Going to Michigan State University has been the opportunity of a lifetime. Not only that, but it has opened the door to so many other opportunities, as well. Having been born and raised in Sheridan, I’ve always been surrounded by a certain sense of community, especially going to Big Horn High School. My favorite part…


Sheridan Songs: Vol. 1

~CONTENT POWERED BY HOLLY SEED~ Question: Which ONE SONG would you want for your sports entrance music? You know, the tune you’d want echoing through the ballpark as you walked up to the plate for your whiffle ball at-bat or blaring from the arena speakers as you walked out to the ring for your thumb wrestling match. Or thought of another way, a theme song…


Back to the Future

~CONTENT POWERED BY FLOOD MARKETING~ “My birthday and my last day on active duty: December 30, 1982. I was stationed at Camp Pendleton, California, and the Delorean — which I still have — was my retirement gift to myself. Check out the license plate: Bye-bye, Marine Corps.”



~CONTENT POWERED BY FLOOD MARKETING~ “What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?”   “First, I think it’s unlikely that my 20-year-old self would even listen to advice, but I would probably tell myself to find a group of friends that challenge each other to greatness.”

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