prepare for july

Top 10 ways to prepare for July in Sheridan


If you’re a Sheridanite, then you know July is not just another month here in Northeastern Wyoming. July is a time for getting outdoors and enjoying the scenery. It’s a time to celebrate the beautiful place you’re lucky enough to call home. It’s a time to strap on the cowboy boots and catch a Friday night performance at the WYO rodeo. Unfortunately, it’s also a time of mosquitos, herds of tourists, and the oh so dreaded task of mowing the lawn. Not to worry. We here at Sheridan Brand have constructed a comprehensive list of tips to maximize fun, minimize dreadfulness, and help prepare for July. You’re welcome.

1. Drink water

July is hot. Beer and pop might taste better, but without water, you’ll be wiped out faster than your grandpa playing an intense match of pickle ball at the Y.

prepare for july

2. Buy rodeo tickets

Don’t be that guy who shows up to the street dance while everyone else is still at the rodeo. No one wants to be that guy…

3. Turn on the sprinklers

June has been showering longer than a teenage girl before her senior prom, but July is a different story. Don’t let your neighbors resent you for having the only brown lawn on the block.

4. Buy mosquito spray

It’s impossible to remember everything for your camping trip, but you’ll have a much better time if the thing you forget is your hand crank blender rather than your mosquito spray.

Prepare for July

5. Do your King’s shopping early.

Don’t wait until rodeo week to buy a crisp new King Ropes hat. Come mid-July, out-of-towners make that place look like Wal-Mart on Black Friday.

prepare for july

6. Go see Jurassic World

Chris Pratt. Enough said. If that’s not enough, Centennial Theaters did take our number one spot on the top five places to get a fountain drink.

prepare for july

7. Replace your mower blades

You’ve been complaining that it’s been too wet to mow. Well get ready to eat your words, because grass in July grows fast. Like, really fast. And you’ll have nothing but sunny days to waste away mowing. Sharper blades mean less mowing. Less mowing means more fishing.

8. Drink water

We weren’t joking. Water is life’s iPhone charger, and cramps and wheezing are your body’s way of saying you only have 10% battery left. And anyone who doesn’t charge their phone at 10% is just reckless.

9. Buy fireworks

We live in a place that makes it ridiculously easy to set off military sized fireworks. Don’t waste that opportunity my friends. I once set off bottle rockets for 5 hours straight. Best birthday I ever had…

prepare for july

10. Get outside and enjoy the beauty.

Go for a bike ride. Walk the dog. Between the Fourth of July, Rodeo week, and camping trips, you’ll probably consumer enough beer and greasy foods to satisfy Kid Rock for year. So get out and burn some of those well-earned calories off.

The most important thing is to remember how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful town with such an amazing community. Stay healthy and hydrated this month. Happy July everyone!

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